Did you know there are more than the typical 3 trimesters of pregnancy? Today I’m chatting everything you can expect from conception to the mysterious “4th trimester.”
It wasn’t until after I had babies that I even heard of the 4th trimester. Each trimester has their own set of woes and excitement which makes for a whirlwind of a year!
I’m not only going to share with you what to expect in each, but also a lot of local resources you can use as you plan for your pregnancy, newborn and birth in OKC.
First Trimester: The Secret Life of Pregnancy
The first trimester is like a secret club where only you and your growing baby are members. During these first 12 weeks, your body is working overtime to create a new life, and you might be feeling the effects (hello, morning sickness!). It’s like you’re part of an exclusive group that only fellow expectant moms can truly understand.
I was one of the rare cases who didn’t actually have to run to the bathroom every morning. I definitely was nauseous a lot during my first trimester, but throwing up was never an issue. If only every woman was this lucky!
Here are some resources in OKC for the 1st trimester:
NoMo Nausea Bands – these use the benefits of both aromatherapy and acupuncture to help ease nausea.
Ginger Nausea Tea – comforting tea always helped me with my nausea in the first trimesters. This one sounds so soothing with ginger, chamomile and lemon.
Second Trimester: The Golden Age
For many, the second trimester is the golden age of pregnancy, where you can finally start enjoying the journey. With the nausea subsiding and the baby bump showing, it’s time to embrace the experience.
This is usually the time to make the big announcement! No matter how you announce to your family and friends (or if you don’t announce at all!) this is the perfect time to build excitement. Need help with a creative way to announce? Let’s chat!
It’s also time to pick up some fresh clothing for that growing belly! Two great boutique maternity stores in OKC are Bella Belly (Northside) and Max Mamas (Southside). Check them out!
Third Trimester: The Home Stretch
The third trimester is when things start to get real. As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, you’ll want to make sure you have everything in place for a smooth transition.
The Nursery
Oh, the nursery. I remember being in ours after the baby shower of our first and getting it prepared and the reality of meeting my baby hit me hard! We decided to have our nursery ready before the birth of both of our kids, but here’s the reality – your baby rarely goes directly to that room right after birth. So, if you don’t have your nursery ready on day 1 – DON’T STRESS!
OKC Birth Class or Doula
While I believe that every birth story is personal, I believe that education and knowledge are imperative in you and in your birth space. Birth Classes are a great way to get education and doulas are a great addition to your birth team to help advocate and walk you through labor and delivery.
Birth Classes: Simple Birth
Doulas: Zeal Birth Services or Zoe Birth
Birth: The Main Event
The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here: birth! Whether you’re planning a natural birth or a C-section, this stage is exciting and emotional!
My own experiences with my two kids varied so much! Having a c-section with my first and a successful VBAC with my second – it was after having both that I realized how every birth is different and how having a strong birth team is essential.
Another thing I realized is breastfeeding…is HARD. I wanted so badly to breastfeed both of my children, but as hard as I tried on my own, I couldn’t seem to make it work. This is why I am so passionate about getting help! Check out my blog interview with Becky Drevets, IBCLC. She is an amazing source of knowledge on breastfeeding and troubleshooting issues you may have.
If you want more details on birth, make sure to check out this blog post all about Breaking The Rules of Traditional Childbirth.
Of course, these are moments you’ll always want to remember (even if things don’t go perfectly according to plan). Hiring a birth photographer is something I’ve never heard anyone say they regret! Check out my work and then reach out for a free consultation!
The 4th Trimester: What No One Tells You
Surprise! Your journey doesn’t end with birth. The 4th trimester is the first three months of your baby’s life, where both of you are adjusting to the world outside the womb.
Postpartum can be the toughest trimester! I loved having a newborn, but there’s so much that comes with it. Whether you have a hard time or feel amazing, I believe it’s important to surround yourself with support. This can be anything from contacting your doctor to help with postpartum depression, accepting help in the form of meals or a friend cleaning your house, or making sure you take time for self-care. You are not alone!
Check out this list of support groups if you’re needing connection.
When is it time to ask for breastfeeding support? Check out this blog post all about breastfeeding and OKC resources.
Of course, every journey is unique, and it’s okay to feel a whole range of emotions along the way. As long as you’ve got your support system and resources, you’ll be able to navigate this crazy adventure.
Thanks for reading!
Since you made it all the way down here – are you looking for an OKC Photographer? Click here to see more of my birth portfolio.
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