It’s World Breastfeeding Week!
This week is designated as a global initiative to promote, protect and support breastfeeding. Breastfeeding provides so much for mother and baby to protect each from things like infections, all the way to things like ovarian cancer. Breastfeeding also benefits the environment, as it reduces the need for manufactured formula and disposable bottles. While not every mother is able to breastfeed (raising my hand, here!), it’s important to support those who do choose to.
Despite wanting to breastfeed so badly, I had a lot of issues when both of my children were born. So, for today’s post, I’ve interviewed someone who is SUPER knowledgable in this area – Becky Drevets, IBCLC.

For those who don’t know, what exactly is a Lactation Consultant? What services do you provide?
An IBCLC (International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners) is the highest level of specialization available in lactation. An IBCLC works in partnership with your healthcare team to provide expert lactation care in routine and high-risk situations.
IBCLCs are board certified only after rigorous training, thousands of clinical counseling hours, and passing a comprehensive medical exam. An IBCLC has the expertise and training to help with a variety of breastfeeding challenges. The services I provide include: Prenatal breastfeeding instruction and assessment – for first-time parents as well as for parents who were not as successful with their previous breastfeeding experiences as they had hoped. Lactation consultations in the comfort of your own home or in my office setting. I provide a comprehensive assessment of parent and baby; evaluation of latch and positioning and examination of your infant’s oral anatomy.
What led you to become a Lactation Consultant?
I became a lactation consultant after working as a labor nurse and mother-baby nurse in the hospital. The more I helped my patients with breastfeeding the more I found that I didn’t know – but wanted to learn so that I could help parents become successful in feeding their babies.
What are some of the misconceptions people have about breastfeeding?
Many parents think that because breastfeeding is natural, it will go smoothly after birth. They may attend many birthing classes but do not take one breastfeeding class. A prenatal class with an IBCLC should be on every parent’s list of things to do before the end of the 8th month of pregnancy.

What struggles do first time moms have when they are breastfeeding?
- Nipple pain
- Low milk supply
- Breast refusal
- Frequent feedings
- Return to work
- Pumping
- Bottle refusal
- Lack of support from family and friends
What’s the best part of your job?
Helping a parent reach their breastfeeding goals and providing encouragement along the way.
Any advice for a first time mom considering a Lactation Consultant?
Every first-time mom should meet with a lactation consultant prior to delivery. Find a lactation consultant that provides the type of consult you prefer – in your home or in an office setting – or virtual. Your baby – your body – your choice!
Where can we find you?
- You may book a consult and learn more about my services on my website, reach me on my work phone at 405-367-3886 or find me on Facebook.
Wow, Becky is such a wealth of knowledge! In hindsight, I soooo wish I had hired a lactation consultant when I had my kids – I think I could have had such a better experience.
If you’re not sure how to navigate your breastfeeding journey, I highly recommend getting in touch with Becky to schedule an evaluation.
Happy Breastfeeding!

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